
Denim Repairs & Alterations

At Blackhorse Lane Ateliers, we champion repairs and alterations to extend the life of your garments, ensuring they stay wearable and meaningful. Our free denim repair service reflects our belief in nurturing connections between people and their clothes, emphasising sustainability and thoughtful care.

Brisbane Moss

For over 150 years Brisbane Moss have been at the forefront of the manufacture of Corduroy, Moleskin and Fustian fabrics. To meet an ever changing demand we offer Europe’s largest stock supported range of Corduroy, Moleskin and Cotton fabrics. Since 1858 our philosophy has and will always be to treat customers, partners and the environment with respect.

Brisbane Moss have inherited a bond to bygone days, wear Corduroy with pride as Corduroy has been the life’s work of so many families within the Calder Valley.