Unearthing Style: An Interview with Brit Bones

 As a Walthamstow local, we have had the pleasure of knowing Brit Bones for a long time and watching her develop and blossom over the years. Throughout this period, she has managed to reinvented herself and steered her passion towards menswear, videography, photography, and other creative endeavour's. We asked Brit to share a bit of her background, insights into her unique career journey, and what drives her creativity.

Hi Brit, can you tell us about yourself?

I'm a videographer, photographer and content creator - I guess the easiest way to say that is a creative. I am very much in the menswear scene because of my love of fashion and my love for exploring beyond gendered clothing, and so most of my work falls within fashion and style. 

Your career journey has been an interesting one, can you tell us some of your past experiences and how they have shaped you?

I started out my career as an archaeologist which I have come to realise isn't really the norm. I loved archaeology, from the moment I could form sentences I was talking about the past, about history and this also informed the types of clothes I wore growing up as I love historical styles and silhouettes. Archaeology is all consuming though, you eat it and breath it; you travel a lot and I had other passions too and wanted to try my hand at creative endeavour's. I knew really wanted to have some employable skills to fall back on when I finally took the leap into the creative sector so I then began working in admin within universities and in clinical research within the NHS. After working in the NHS throughout the pandemic, I never wanted to see another hospital ever again, so I saved up, quit , bought camera equipment and took the plunge.

At what point does art and fashion intersect?

At every point. To me, they're inseparable. I dress this way because it's the quickest way on a daily basis that I can feel like I am creating art - but it's in the form of an outfit. 


Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?

People always ask this question and I never know the answer, not because I lack any career goal or drive but because if you look at my career history - who can say where i'll be! The only thing I know is I would love to wake up everyday feeling like I get creative satisfaction from my work - I'd love to delve more into documentative photo and video as other people's creativity and life paths inspire me. 

You have a fantastic sense of style and self expression, how has that evolved over time?

Thank you! It's evolved subtly, but I interact with it on an intellectual level a little more  - for example I care more about brand stories, how things are made and the fabrics they're made with. I think I've always had a similar sense of style but it's just become more considered and refined over time. 

Can you tell us what you look for in a pair of jeans?

There are a number of things I consider when buying a pair of jeans (which is why it’s so hard to find the perfect pair!). Who is the maker? What is their story/brand philosophy? Do they offer repairs in-store? 

How light is the denim/what season do I want to wear them in? And the biggest one (and perhaps the holy grail as a woman) - do they fit my thighs AND waist properly? 

You can find out more about Brit via her Instagram

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